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    C S E L I T E S • A D M I N I S T R A T I O N

    1. Administrative Zone

      Dedicated place for News about the forum, its projects and community-owned servers, proposals related to the forum, questions / issues related to the forum.

      588 posts
    2. Affiliate Servers

      Here you will find all the information you need to add or open a server in CSOutStanding Romania community.

      28 posts
    3. Frequently Asked Questions

      Got any questions about forum or services on our community ? Feel free to drop your questions right here.

      7 posts
    4. Staff Applications

      Intersteed in joining the staff team or a project ? that is the place to submit your application.

      395 posts
    5. Support Tickets   (498 visits to this link)

      Bought something from shop? or requested a DNS? and wanted a category for your server? this is the way to contact the administrators.


    C S E L I T E S • S E R V E R S

    1. Public Servers - Counter-Strike 1.6

      In this category exists the official Counter-Strike 1.6 servers of our community. which has several game modes, come to our servers and test them while having fun with our real players.

      338 posts
    2. Gametrackers • C S E L I T E S   (176 visits to this link)



    C S E L I T E S • M E L O D Y

    1. Melody Tunes

      “Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife.” – Kahlil Gibran 

      33 posts
    2. Music Refuge

      Xh5B7a4.gif.1e0023b2e3580e7bb8afcd673e95b2c3.gif Everything related to music , Posing your favorites songs & Live Performance Songs

      1,297 posts
    3. Viral Today

      Xh5B7a4.gif.0f3ec0e3b35df92a133ca91b0bbb4d5b.gif News and Updates about latest music & musicians , That's blowing up recently .

      1,036 posts
    4. 1,614 posts

    C S E L I T E S • J O U R N A L I S M

    1. Journalists

      World of journalists, News, Stories, you are able to join our part of journalists to get more info about what's happening in life.

      3 posts
    2. Social Life

      Virtual discussion between a member and the CSOutStanding. Feel free to start your way with a small introduction to get more info about you.

      5,218 posts
    3. Free Time

      Boring life ? much free time ? spend the time here posting the things you like and you are intersteed in.

      3,677 posts
    4. Social News

      Anime, Memes .. etc

      475 posts

    C S E L I T E S • D E S I G N

    1. Info & Discussions

      World of design, you could join this family and ask for your design tutorials!

      14 posts
    2. Assistance

      Looks like you're tired of your current avatar ? feel free to apply for a new one hard-designed by our GFX team.

      726 posts
    3. Personal Creations

      Dedicated place where the designers share their own artworks, and you can ask them for private works aswell. If you like what they does.

      211 posts
    4. GFX Competitions

      Virtual battle between designers, so they can test the level of any design. and of course you can vote to the work you like.

      428 posts

    C S E L I T E S • G A M I N G 

    1. World Of Games

      Announcements and information about the world of games and it staff.

      72 posts
    2. Gaming World

      Here we have topics about the famous & infamous games all around the world and what's new about them, without old boring topics.

      1,334 posts
    3. Technology Era

      The latest technology news, gadgets, science news, and more.

      1,466 posts
    4. Social Media

      Youtube videos, highlights, tutorials and tips for gaming and more

      681 posts

    1. Scripting Zone

      Your hub for tutorials, game resources, and scripting help—join us to level up your coding skills!

      3 posts
    2. Scripting Area

      Got some issues on scripting? or did not find a plugin on google? here you go.

      41 posts
    3. Game Resources

      Are you new in game world and you did not find the files you need to run your server? here you go. 

      34 posts
    4. Black Market

      Are you plainning to sell your addons? Here is the place to share it out!

      5 posts

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