Upgrade your account to PREMIUM
- You will have more abilities on design section.
- You will get a free rank on one of our servers.
- Special design for your profile.
- You will be able to put a music on profile.
- 200 likes, 1000 coins as a bonus.
- Your name will be glowing and cool looking.
- Community warnings will be revocked.
- 30 Days - 5 Euros
- 60 Days - 10 Euros
- Permanent - 100 Euros - LIFETIME
- Money recievers are: (Only Founders).
- No answer from them ? contact: @N4SS3R @Amaterasu イタチ
+51 964 142 129 (We only accept questions About PREMIUM)
- Payment Method: PayPall, Paysafe, Mastercard.
Paypal: use donate sidebar