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[Animals] Two people were arrested for having 15 malnourished dogs with parasites


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Detectives from the Investigative Brigade of Crimes against the Environment and Cultural Heritage of the Investigative.

Police arrested two people reported for animal abuse in Arica.

After neighbors reported the deteriorated situation of 15 dogs, Bidema managed to rescue them from two different houses.

In a procedure for flagrant crime of abandonment and animal abuse.

"Detectives went to both properties, establishing on site the veracity of the facts, finding in the first home 10 dogs in total.

Where six of them were in a state of obvious malnutrition and with flea and mite infection, without any treatment.




In the second five dogs in total were found in the building, all without veterinary treatment," said Subprefect Rodrigo Ortiz, head of the Brigade.

In both complaints, the indicated crime was established, so the owners – adults – were arrested and placed at the disposal of the Public Ministry.

Which decided to leave them warned and awaiting a summons.

Meanwhile, the pets were rescued and adopted by the complainants themselves, the PDI indicated.

Detectives from Bidema Arica carried out operations in two homes after complaints of animal abuse.

A total of 15 canine specimens were found that were put up for adoption so that they could receive the necessary care and two defendants were arrested for this crime.







CSOS Romania

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