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Proposal regarding cs1.6 servers


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Hello, i'd like to suggest something regarding the whole counter strike 1.6 server.

Currently we have 6 servers in total, 5 zombie mods and 1 classic mod.

Why don't we support all of those servers on a weekly basis, let's call it happy hour or something like that.

The idea is to make a day for each server, for example:


  • Monday: CsDarkZm
  • Tuesday: StreetZM
  • Wednesday: GlobalZM
  • Thursday: Classic CS
  • Friday: FallenZM
  • Saturday: FlamingoZM


The idea is that the whole community will join a server on a specific day, even thought we are not part of its staff or we don't play that mod.

Let's take my server as an example, on Wednesday, every cs player will join this server and most importantly try to be not afk as much as he could.

Of course, we could specify some hours of the day not the whole day, let's say 18:00PM to 20:00PM.


The dates & times could be in a specific section. Maybe we could have a sub-forum in cs area "Happy Hours".

In this sub-forum we could make a bunch of sub-forums such as:


  • Announcements: It will contain announcements & news of the mini-project.
  • Rules: It will definitely have some rules to follow, beside the server rules of course. Most of the server rules would be there and some extra rules for the mini-project.
  • Staff / Members: It will contain a topic will the members registered in the mini-project
  • Registrations: It could contain a model that new members can follow in order to join the mini-project.
  • Competitions: This could be an option as well, where members can make a competition or a battle between each other, example I follow a model and post a topic of a battle between me and @GLOBALBOSS, the challenge is by the end of the map, whoever has less deaths wins.


Regards. -Sn!PeR-.

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Your idea is good, but we don't have to force everyone to do that
I have a better idea. For example, the two admins on  GlobalZM server join another server for multiple Counter Strikes,  and two admins on another server join a server like this. Everything will be fine and better than that, so that the forum will be more beneficial and every Founder on  server will grow. He will be able to manage his own server and boosting it every week for at least one day


  • If you want players in  forum to join your servers, there must be competitions and giveaway
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The idea seems to good yeah but if you said for hours and if all the servers had the same game addons and updates. Because some people will not like the other servers addons. especially if it was an another addon other than Zombie Plague 6.0 
Also forcing some one to play in a classic server while he likes Zombie Plague is completly shit.

So let's see my teammates opinion.

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Just to clear my idea more, I didn't mean we're gonna force somebody to join, there will be a sub-forum for registrations and it's totally up to you.

Even if you registered, u could skip a day or two... Beside, me myself i'm not a big fan of classic, i mostly play zombie 6.0 / 6.2. Nevertheless, when the classic server's day comes, i might join and have fun with you guys and if I didn't like it i might just leave my self afk for two hours or so.


After all, it would be great to grow the whole community not just one server or two.

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  • Gold VIP
Just now, -SnIPeR- said:

Just to clear my idea more, I didn't mean we're gonna force somebody to join, there will be a sub-forum for registrations and it's totally up to you.

Even if you registered, u could skip a day or two... Beside, me myself i'm not a big fan of classic, i mostly play zombie 6.0 / 6.2. Nevertheless, when the classic server's day comes, i might join and have fun with you guys and if I didn't like it i might just leave my self afk for two hours or so.


After all, it would be great to grow the whole community not just one server or two.

It would be really good if you said to disreace the number of servers and merge them so yeah if two servers has 20 / 20 admins they'll be 40 admins and there will be less charges on payment. and about the classic it'll be handled by me and @Hopsin so it'll be alright.. the rest servers you can think about merging them all in 1 - 2 zombie plague servers so both gets full filled.

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I love this suggestion to support every server but I don't think it will last that long. Not many players will join. Maybe just as an award, give players rewards like vip or csos points and they should post their playing proof to get the reward, simple as that or it will be destroyed within 2 days

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Accepting a server that don't  have port 27015. I am completely against it in  forum. This will make  players tired in activities and some reinforcement, but  server will not last for long. You have to think carefully before servers that have  real port.


  • I personally don't bother playing or being active on a server that don't  have  port 27015 



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13 hours ago, cxrzs. said:

It would be really good if you said to disreace the number of servers and merge them so yeah if two servers has 20 / 20 admins they'll be 40 admins and there will be less charges on payment. and about the classic it'll be handled by me and @Hopsin so it'll be alright.. the rest servers you can think about merging them all in 1 - 2 zombie plague servers so both gets full filled.


That's a whole other idea, but I don't think it will be applied since every owner won't agree to have other owners beside him, that's what i think. Also we will have staff overflow, much founders much owners and others... still, it is a great idea since the server will probably not get below 20/32, thats without a boost of course.


1 hour ago, REX said:

Hello dear I like your suggested but are u sure other players like that proposal and all server port like: 27015 not other port but my vote is 

#CONTRA its not working


I don't understand why you guys talking about the ports other than 27015... could you please clue me in and explain me why is that a bad thing? and how it is bad?


12 hours ago, Mark. said:

I love this suggestion to support every server but I don't think it will last that long. Not many players will join. Maybe just as an award, give players rewards like vip or csos points and they should post their playing proof to get the reward, simple as that or it will be destroyed within 2 days


I totally agree on the part of dying within 2 days, it won't be 2 days exactly but it won't last as long as we expect it... and I really like the addition you proposed about prizes, it would be great to have something to join that server not just like that randomly... I also suggest that the servers themselves make a happy hour at the same time and give players something for free. Could be free mods from the managers to players, or allow players to have 2 mods in a map by giving a free one and they can buy their own as well... there's bunch of prizes we could do.


Overall guys and as a conclusion I think that is a great idea because we will really help starting servers, as well as growing servers.

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4 minutes ago, rxven. said:

Its better to win the members, not forcing them to do things by adding programs.

Im against thise.


Guys I really don't know why you're saying "forced".

We will force nobody. We will just invite them, if you don't want to come then fine, all good and nothing will change.

It's just that for those who really want to make the community more public, they would love to join and grow the servers, and by that the community will grow.

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3 hours ago, -SnIPeR- said:

I don't understand why you guys talking about the ports other than 27015... could you please clue me in and explain me why is that a bad thing? and how it is bad?

If you thing its good idea so let's try I hope its work so I agree with you good luck have a nice day

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  • Let's say we implement this and it'll be Server A's turn, ofc Server A's admins will be active and the other server admins will join too, BUT it'll be for maybe a week or so and then the plan will fall apart.
  • Let me tell you, I witnessed two merges [warnight and thunderzm, Thunderzm and StreetZM], and eventually when you enter someone's turf there'll always be a conflict occuring because of difference in Rules, regulations, way of conduct and even gameplay.
  • Ill just say the Idea is amazing IF there was cooperation but to be brutally honest, servers in this forum are competitive and if its gonna be implemented you still gotta convince the server owners not only the forum staff which is the harder part here.
  • Also the MORE convenient method would be making a Boosting service of our own and populating a single server using it and then doing the same wtih the other servers but this requires a budget so its a no no as well

P.S My opinion is entierly based on what I experienced here nothing more nothing else, Adios

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ProToCrisP (1).gif

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interesting, i've seen this proposal yesterday but i did want to see others opinion before i say mine. 
Tbh, the idea is rly impressive and it will support the servers activity, we wont force any one to join but as Proto said its gonna work couple of weeks and then no one will be interest.
That doesn't mean im against the idea, we could at least try it.



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I really appreciate your suggestion, -Sn!PeR-. It sounds like a fantastic idea to promote community engagement and participation across all the Counter-Strike 1.6 servers. Having designated "Happy Hour" days for each server is a creative way to ensure that all servers receive attention and activity.


The sub-forum you mentioned, "Happy Hours," is a great idea as well. It can serve as a central hub for announcements, rules, registrations, and even friendly competitions among members, which would add an extra layer of excitement to the project.


Overall, your proposal appears to be a thoughtful and well-structured approach to fostering a more connected and vibrant community within the Counter-Strike 1.6 server network. It's ideas like these that can help maintain and grow the player base while enhancing the overall gaming experience. Thank you for sharing this suggestion, and I hope it's well-received by your community.



Regards. Mr.Hacker


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