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[News] Armored Core 6 players have exploded this poor student pilot so many times for a quick buck he's become a meme


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It's not too difficult to farm COAM—that's Armored Core 6's currency—on Rubicon 3. While repair and ammo costs are a thing, you can replay missions at any time. Plus, if you tailor-make a mech to trash them you'll be flying through repeat runs. My cash cow of choice was Operation Wallclimber, which I chewed through wielding double shotguns —but for a lot of the game's community, the best early-game farm has involved shoving this poor guy into a locker again and again… and again.

The mission, titled "Destroy the Tester AC", shows up real early on in the game. It involves zipping to a location and obliterating a student pilot behind the wheel of a Dafeng Tester AC. You're only rewarded a measly 95,000 COAM for your butchery, but you can knock out a run in about two to three minutes. Just some quick napkin math puts that at 1,900,000 COAM an hour, which isn't too shabby if you can endure the repetition—or gunning down the poor guy.

In most stories, we'd be playing someone like the student pilot—a plucky underdog out to make a name for themselves. Our mech would be a villain jetting over the horizon, and we'd spend the whole story training to destroy it. But this isn't that kind of game. In true, brutal FromSoftware fashion, the pilot is destined to be little more than a cash pinata. The horrific consequences of 621's actions haven't stopped him from becoming a memed-upon punching bag, though.


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