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[Accepted] request Moderator AMR


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Nick: AMR
 Real name (Not mandatory to say it): Amr
 Age?: 15
 Where are you from?(country and city): Palestine
 Describe yourself (at least 30 words): YouTuober , Gamer , Streaming
 Note some of your qualities: a bit professional in cs
 Tell us some of your defects: stupid
 Had you before any kind of responsabilities(describe it): no
 Which Games you play? and for how long (per-day)?(each of them): GTA SAN , MTA , CS.16 , CS:S , Fortnite , Minecraft ......
 On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity): 
 Which category/project you want to care off?: 
 How well you speak English?(and other languages): 70%
 Do you use Discord? Do you active on our server CSOS?: yes
 For how long can you be active after you get accepted?(days, weeks, months, years): weeks
Why you prefer to be staff here?: What's the special thing here? To get to know people
 Contact methods: Discord : amrps
 Last request link: 

  • Rep 2

                                                                                  Life is very difficult so be careful

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Hello AMR, detailing your request and seeing that you have not put some details that are of really interest that is needed such as "describe yourself in at least 30 words", also the point that project you have been active lately, you can go through the projects Journalist and start activating to take your request into account, there is also the last point that I am seeing in your request and that is what project you want to be interested in, as I come back and repeat there are many projects here in the community, you can take a look and start to activate to be able to take your request into account, GOOD DAY

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