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[Politics] Chris Mason: Reflective images of extraordinary year in UK politics

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Link : https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-63905624



Every prime minister faces a weekly grilling in the House of Commons - here, former PM Boris Johnson leaves 10 Downing Street to face MPs and the leader of the opposition, Sir Keir Starmer. The first half of the year was dominated by one question. How long would Mr Johnson last?_127930780_3abd7d7e1391e8d3784814aca12c1Plotting, manoeuvring and positioning was going on. Some subtle, some less so. Liz Truss's ambitions were no secret. But as foreign secretary she was already in one of the biggest jobs in government. Here, she awaits an interview with the BBC's Sophie Raworth on Sunday Morning on 27 February. This interview caused a stir as the then foreign secretary said she backed Brits who wanted to go to fight in the war in Ukraine._127935134_b3fac28ec4080106d5271ce0ea37dA photo that encapsulates Rishi Sunak's manner: understated, even cautious. A big moment awaits, as the then chancellor faces a grilling from Sophie Raworth ahead of his Spring Statement. Bigger ones were imminent, it would turn out._127930938_7bfc695ea967dac2107a2d6042fd4Arguably the biggest moment on Liz Truss's journey to Downing Street - she had just made the final two candidates to replace Boris Johnson - and was the favourite from the outset to beat Rishi Sunak in a vote of Conservative members._127931079_4880def09cde231eeab12c7d25e4aI was sitting a few yards away, alongside our Economics Editor Faisal Islam, at this live PM candidates debate in Stoke-on-Trent. Moments later, senior supporters of Liz Truss started to publicly say Mr Sunak has been "mansplaining" when he said her economic plans would fail._127931083_55a41361bcc80553c539c05afcb65A summer hurtle around town halls and exhibition centres here, there and everywhere in the UK. Promises, placards and T-shirts as Conservative Party members picked the next prime minister on behalf of everyone else. Here, a protestor interrupts Liz Truss in Eastbourne._127989256_ca60ea4b718be42326ecff31156bc

A day of two prime ministers and the Queen: the 6 September saw Queen Elizabeth wave off her 14th prime minister, Boris Johnson (pictured here with wife Carrie).

And she waved in her 15th, Liz Truss. Her Majesty died just two days later.



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