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[Software] Call Recorder is the best automatic call recording program for both parties


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Another reliable application for recording calls on Android developed by recorder & smart apps and has many positive advantages and basic functions in the process of recording and organizing calls. The application is characterized by ease of use and the ability to set calls that are recorded or ignored through the white or black list. It also allows you to play recordings with high and pure sound quality and manage and organize all recordings or add notes to them and share them as well, like all call recording applications that allow you to synchronize calls Cloud on any of your e-mail accounts to keep them in a safe place, you can even set some recorded conversations as important so that they are automatically kept in your important conversations list, in fact it is a great application and it is free and offers many paid features that are worth looking into. But again, you should see the results of the recordings yourself before making your decision to buy.


برنامج Call Recorder أفضل برنامج تسجيل مكالمات للطرفين تلقائيا


Application features:
Record all incoming and outgoing calls
Manage and organize all recordings
Play recorded voice conversations
Delete recorded voice conversations



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