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[Accepted] Request back


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  •  Nick: Wassim
  •  Real name (Not mandatory to say it): Wassim
  •  Age?: 20
  •  Where are you from?(country and city): Tunisia  Ben arous
  •  Describe yourself (at least 30 words): generally am tough, ambitious and i know exactly what i want. also i used to be a freelance worker
  •  Note some of your qualities: attentive , well balanced , disciplined and we can't forget that am sociable
  •  Tell us some of your defects: no one born perfect , but as far as i know i have no defects
  •  Had you before any kind of responsabilities(describe it): yes i were head-admin in bulgarian forum no need to mention it
  •  Which Games you play? and for how long (per-day)?(each of them): fortnite , ETS 2 , and a mobile game called granny's house
  •  On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity): i have no activities yet
  •  Which category/project you want to care off?: a project contains posting about games
  •  How well you speak English?(and other languages): i speak english fluently , arabic , and a bit of deutsch
  •  Do you use TS3? Do you active on our server?: no
  •  Do you use Discord? Do you active on our server?:  no 
  •  For how long can you be active after you get accepted?(days, weeks, months, years): it depends
  • Why you prefer to be staff here?: What's the special thing here? : to have a new experience
  •  Contact methods: facebook or skype
  •  Last request link: -
Edited by Douma
  • Rep 3







animated-arrow-image-0103.gif [HighLifeZM]  ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一  animated-arrow-image-0103.gif  Founders animated-arrow-image-0103.gif)


animated-arrow-image-0103.gif [GLOBALZM]  ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一  animated-arrow-image-0103.gif  Founders animated-arrow-image-0103.gif







❤️ اللهم أنصر اخواننا في فلسطين






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