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[LifeStyle] For new immigrants... the 10 best states to live in America in 2022


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Americans decide to move to a new state usually in the summer months, which is the period that witnesses a rise in rental prices and home purchases, with the Christmas celebrations being their stage of stability, and therefore this period witnesses a gradual decline in prices.


USA, landmarks USA, suitcase and New York; Shutterstock ID 186101330; purchase_order: ajnet; job: ; client: ; other:


Last year, only about 8.4% of Americans moved to live in another state, which represents a historic decline, thanks to some of the measures taken by the US administration to improve living and facilitate access to housing, coinciding with the deteriorating economic consequences of the Corona pandemic crisis that lasted more than from two years.

Turning to another point of interest to Arab immigrants, especially those who are now planning to travel to the United States after winning the random lottery (Lottery) for the year 2023, where the interviews of the winners are now being held in US embassies in all countries of the world; The immigrant determines the state that may become his place of residence for years to come, hence it was necessary to study the best states for living in America.


New York, New York, USA skyline.; Shutterstock ID 762344239; purchase_order: ajnet; job: ; client: ; other:


Researchers in an annual Wallet Hub report ranked the 50 states based on scores in 5 categories: affordability, economy, education and health, quality of life, and safety.

Massachusetts topped the 2022 list, scoring 62.65 points out of 100, and New Jersey came in second place after dropping from the lead it occupied last year.

New York, Idaho and Virginia were among the top five states. By comparing this classification with previous years, Virginia replaces Minnesota in the list as the best state to live in America.

New York, New York, USA skyline.; Shutterstock ID 762344239; purchase_order: ajnet; job: ; client: ; other:
New York skyscrapers (Shutterstock)
What does this classification mean?
The classification depends on the basics that an individual needs to live in America, which are as follows:

Affordability: This component takes into account the cost of living, home prices, median household income, home ownership opportunities, and average annual property taxes.
Economy: Indicators include unemployment rate, job opportunities in the state, poverty rate, and other economic factors.
Quality of life: measured in commute times, quality of infrastructure, access to walking and bike paths, air quality and weather, among many other indicators.
Education and health: Indicators include the quality of public schools and hospital systems, life expectancy, and premature death rate.
Safety: This component looks at rates of violent crime, traffic fatalities, and the number of law enforcement personnel.


Panoramic view of New Jersey City skylines; Shutterstock ID 741792265; purchase_order: ajnet; job: ; client: ; other:

Each of the previous categories has 20 points, with a maximum total of 100 points.

Top 10 states to live in in 2022:

Massachusetts: 62.65 points.
New Jersey: 62.01 points.
New York: 60.64 points.
Idaho: 58.73 points.
Virginia: 58.73 points.
New Hampshire: 58.25 points.
Florida: 58.07 points.
Wyoming: 58 points.
Minnesota: 57.99 points.
Wisconsin: 57.92 points.
While the ranking monitored the 10 worst states to live in in 2022:

West Virginia: 46.84 points.
Kentucky: 46.39 points.
Alabama: 45.61 points.
Oklahoma: 43.82 points.
South Carolina: 43.80 points.
New Mexico: 42.51 points.
Arkansas: 42.42 points.
Louisiana: 41.74 points.
Alaska: 40.93 points.
Mississippi: 39.77 points.
Why is Massachusetts the best?
Massachusetts is located in the northeastern region of the United States, and is known for its diverse landscapes that include mountains, forests, and coastal areas, and is home to many large metropolitan areas.

The state had a large number of residents with tertiary education qualifications in 2015, and was ranked as the state with the third largest number of university graduates.

Massachusetts is home to many highly regarded universities as well, such as Harvard University, MIT, and Boston College, and its higher level of education has helped create a strong economy in the state, with it consistently ranking in the top ten in terms of GDP per capita.

The state's highly educated workforce has also attracted many advanced technology and life sciences companies, helping to create jobs and drive economic growth.

If you are looking for a state with a strong economy and plenty of opportunities, Massachusetts is definitely worth considering.

The state is famous for its unpredictable weather, as it has four distinct seasons, the summers are very hot as well as the winters are very cold, and Massachusetts is prone to hurricanes.

However, this state does not include many Arabs compared to other states such as California, New York and Michigan, as the Arab population is estimated to be about 70 thousand people.

New Jersey
The safety index may summarize a lot of what can be talked about about the advantages of living in the state of New Jersey, as it is ranked as the best US state in terms of the safety factor, and it also includes some advantages for living in it, such as the high average annual family income, the low percentage of the population living in poverty, Their percentage is estimated at less than 10%.

The state also ranks highly in terms of food security and the quality of its public school system, with a high school graduation rate in New Jersey of over 90%.

The quality of health care in New Jersey is evidenced by the low rate of premature death and the relatively small proportion of adults who are obese.

The state is bike-friendly and its residents can enjoy plenty of cycling or walking trails, as well as a good public transportation system.

The number of Arabs in the state is estimated at 108 thousand people, which makes it a favorite for many Arab immigrants, at least in their first years of immigration.




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