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Request Avatar By BoyKa

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*Type(avatar/signature/cover):  Avatar
*Dimensions: 150x250
Text:  BoyKa
*Theme[Girls/Cars/Nature/Abstract/Dogs/etc]: -
*Last request link:  tumblr_o8esqr2hmx1rnxn7co1_500.gifvtumblr_nrfu7kgYbc1r09wbpo1_500.png






Edited by BoyKa
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  • Gold VIP
On 11/17/2022 at 11:02 PM, Savage said:


  1. The images must not have sexual, violent or racist content.
  2. You are allowed to make another avatar/signature request only after 2 weeks & userbar/cover after 1 month of the previous request. 



  • Like 3

" When you're happy, you enjoy the music. When you're sad, you understand the lyrics. "


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