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[Accepted] Request for Moderator [Whoiam]

Who Iam

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Nick: Whoiam

 Real name (Not mandatory to say it):  Khaled

 Age?: 25

 Where are you from?(country and city):  Algeria

 Describe yourself (at least 30 words): Whoiam server owner of zmunderworld .


 Which Games you play? and for how long (per-day)?(each of them):  cs 1.6 / fortnite / cs go / call of duty

 On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity):  On My Server 

 Which category/project you want to care off?: I will try to help all the forum

 How well you speak English?(and other languages): English / Arabic / French / 

 Do you use Discord? Do you active on our server CSOS?:  WHO IAM#6787 / https://www.facebook.com/khaled.mokdad.7370/

 For how long can you be active after you get accepted?(days, weeks, months, years):  All time 

Why you prefer to be staff here?: What's the special thing here? i like the aspect of the fourm the members here i see more activity then others communitys 

 Contact methods: discord / facebook 

 Last request link:  Never

Edited by Douma
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