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[Mobile Games] Warzone Mobile brings back one of the best Call of Duty maps


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Call of Duty: Warzone Mobile is almost upon us, but we don’t know everything about the battle royale game. Sure, we know when the Warzone Mobile release date is, but do we know what maps will be included? 

The new CoD game will feature the return of Verdansk from the original Warzone. However, there will be some major changes to the colossal fighting grounds, including some new map segments. 

Warzone is one big overworld that combines a number of smaller maps from Call of Duty history. But it seems that this new version of Verdansk will feature one of the best CoD maps every made as part of its world. 

Teased on Twitter by the game’s official account, it seems that Shoothouse will be part of the game. It makes sense: Shoothouse was a huge part of Modern Warfare 2019, the game that brought us the original Warzone. Furthermore, the map has been remade for the recently released Modern Warfare 2. 

The Twitter account didn’t outright state that Shoothouse is coming to the game.  However, the shared image is simply a glitched up version of the map, so it’s easy to tell. 

Underneath the tweet, fans expressed their excitement for the map’s return. After all, Shoothouse is one of the most beloved maps in CoD since Rust. 

Nevertheless, fans were still quick to act negatively to the news. While many were excited for the map, many were more interested in an announcement for an open beta. With the game’s release still set for next year, it’s a long wait. 

What do you think about this new map segment for Warzone Mobile? Are there any other maps that you want to see come to the game? Personally, we’re hoping for Rust, but we never get what we want. 

The new CoD game doesn’t release until May 15th, 2023. Hopefully, the new CoD title is a great experience on mobile. 


Edited by Ilhem
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