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[LifeStyle] Tea or coffee.. What is the most consumed drink after water?


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Coffee or tea? It seems to be a long and ongoing debate about the most popular hot drink, and regardless of our personal preferences or the most consumed drink in our country, in whose favor will this debate be resolved? Will coffee or tea be the most popular hot drink in the world?

Although it is difficult to provide an accurate percentage of global tea and coffee consumption, as it can vary depending on the data source, the time period studied, and other factors, we tried in the report to obtain close-chronological statistics for both coffee and tea from a single statistics site, so that the comparison would be closer to accuracy.




In this report we take a tour of the numbers and interesting information about the consumption of the two hot drinks around the world.

Tea is the most consumed beverage in the world after water
Tea is the most consumed drink in the world after water, according to a report by the United Nations. According to a report issued by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, tea is the second most consumed beverage in the world after water.

In the year 2020, the global consumption of tea amounted to about 6.3 billion kilograms, and it is estimated that it will reach 7.4 billion kilograms by 2025, and this includes different types of tea whose degree depends on oxidation levels, and includes green, yellow, brown and black, according to estimates from the statistics website and market figures. Statista.

Most of the countries manufacturing and exporting tea
This aromatic drink is believed to have originated in China in 2737 BC. According to legend, a Chinese emperor was sitting under a Camellia sinensis tree while his servant was boiling drinking water. The wind pushed some leaves from the tree into the water, and the emperor decided to try the drink his servant had made by chance.

In 2021, China will export nearly $2.30 billion worth of tea, making it the leading exporter of tea worldwide. Other major tea exporters in the same year were Sri Lanka and Kenya. China also topped the world in tea production, as it made 2.8 million tons of tea in 2019, and in that year more than half of the tea produced in China was green tea, according to Statasta statistics.

Most of the countries importing tea
In 2021, Pakistan was the leading country in importing tea in the world, with imports valued at about $598 million, and the United States ranked second in that year with about $532 million, according to statistics of tea-importing countries provided by Statasta.

The largest tea consuming country
In 2016, Turkey was the largest tea consuming country in the world, with per capita tea consumption of 6.96 pounds annually. In contrast, China's annual consumption was 1.25 pounds per capita.

In 2016 Türkiye was the largest tea consuming country in the world (Pixels)
And what about coffee?.. How many million bags are consumed annually?
Despite the lead in tea, coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. In Statasta statistics for the year 2020-2021, it was found that about 166.63 million coffee bags, or about 10 million tons, were consumed worldwide, and the coffee market is expected to grow for this. in 2023, to reach $495.50 billion.

The largest suppliers and exporters of coffee
In 2021, the United States was the world's largest importer of coffee, followed by Germany, France and Italy, while the main exporters in 2021 were Brazil, Switzerland and Colombia, according to figures provided by Statasta.

Most of the coffee consumption takes place outside the home (Pixels)
More coffee consumption outside the home than indoors
Since we are talking about coffee here, including its hot and cold drinks and its different types such as espresso, cappuccino, and Americano, it probably wouldn't be surprising to know that most of the coffee consumption takes place outside the home.

In 2022, Statasta estimates that 82% of global coffee revenues come from consumption outside the home in cafes and restaurants, compared to only 18% for revenues from home consumption, which is expected to decrease by two degrees by 2025.




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