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[Console Games] The first PlayStation Plus games will be revealed for next May.


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Sony revealed the first upcoming PlayStation Plus games next May, as it is a launch game from day one. Humanity, will be playable on PS5, PS4, PSVR, and PSVR2 when it launches next month.

Through the official PlayStation blog, Playstation.Blog, the first upcoming Plus games for the next month, May, were revealed. Humanity will be released globally on the 16th of the said month and will be available from day one on PS Plus Premium and PS Plus Extra.


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The game comes to us from an independent team called Enhance tha, and it is an action-adventure type with many well-placed puzzles with a woven story. You will control a species of dog called Shiba inu in the game, and your task is to mark the ground for huge groups of people who will follow them, thus opening up obstacles for them and facilitating their path.

You will be able to make the herd of people following your instructions turn, jump, float in the air, swim and climb. All to reach the goal or objectives at every stage. The game gradually introduces these mechanics and more, combining them with some new elements to intensify the challenge as you progress.

Humanity's story mode stages run the gamut from puzzle games, from simple platform-style "action" levels that will test your reflexes, to cute puzzles. While the game is constantly introducing new mechanics and blending it with everything you've learned so far to make you feel like you're always up for a challenge, you never know what's coming.

There is a lot to discover in the game, especially as it is coming on the platforms of the current and previous generation, and virtual reality looks from Sony for the two generations as well.

It is noteworthy that the PlayStation Plus games for the month of April were released recently, as subscribers to the service get 16 different titles within the Premium and Extra packages. This is in addition to the Essential package titles that offer you 3 new games this month.

Next month's free games for the basic package are supposed to be revealed on the last Wednesday of this month. While the Premium and Extra library updates will be revealed in mid-May.




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