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[Hardware] Why Hardware Audits Are Important

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Networks are dynamic – constantly growing, evolving, changing and dividing. Therefore, it is essential for business owners and network administrators to perform regular hardware and software audits to monitor any changes and maintain the system’s security. They should always know what’s running on the network and how efficient that is.


A hardware audit is an assessment of all the hardware devices that are used to organise the computer network of the company. This include all computers, routers, modems, access points, etc. The hardware audits job is to make sure that all your hardware is up to date, working to the best of it’s ability and doing the job it was bought for.

What are the benefits of hardware auditing?

Hardware is vital for every business, regardless of size or industry. Your data is critical to your business so it’s important to do everything possible to protect it. Here are just a few of the ways that a hardware audit can benefit your company:

Prevents double purchasing and identifies redundant equipment that can be repurposed
Saves time by not using the same outdated, slow piece of equipment that you have been for used
Determines accurate equipment value to aid insurance costs
Identifies older assets for maintenance purposes
Reveals potential security holes and data leak concerns
Ensures compliancy and legitimacy as needed
Determine the location of your company’s sensitive information
Why should your business get a hardware audit?

Preforming a regular hardware audit can help identify the above issues and save your company countless time and money if any issues arise. Having an up-to-date database of your assets can help you assess the total value of your hardware and determine any if anything needs to be updated or replaced. Hardware auditing may sound like a rather large task, but can be easy to perform and is a critical aspect of your network management.


Link: https://lucidica.co.uk/blog/products/why-hardware-audits-are-important-to-your-company/

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