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[Software] The Java ecosystem is bursting with tools and frameworks for just about every programming need. Here are seven open source Java projects you don't want to miss.

El Salvador

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The Java ecosystem is home to an enormous and diverse range of open source projects developed to meet almost every imaginable need. It’s easy to miss some of these great projects. Here’s a look at seven open source Java projects for everything from full-stack application development to microservices, Wasm, and an alternative to the JVM.

Hilla is a full-stack framework with a Java-based back end and a JavaScript front end. It supports the reactive front-end frameworks React and Lit. 

Hilla lets you scaffold a new full-stack project with a command as simple as: npx @vaadin/cli init --hilla foundry-hilla. It’s an NPM command, but it’ll deploy a standard Maven layout with a Vite-built front-end directory and everything is ready to run together with the ./mvnw script.Hilla enforces typing between the two application halves, meaning your IDE can detect and propagate changes across the Java API and the TypeScript front end that consumes it. In this framework, auto-complete and refactor just work. This functionality is similar in feel to tRPC in the all-TypeScript world.

Hilla also inHilla also integrates persistence via JPA (on Hibernate) with a number of SQL databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL.

It's a bit like jHipster, but more opinionated. That means Hilla is less flexible in terms of the technologies it can glue together, but it gives you a more paved road to move across. Hilla is well-maintained and documented. If you need to build a full-stack app with Java, and if you like React or Lit for your front end, Hilla is a great framework to consider.Continuing with the theme of full-stack frameworks, we have jHipster. jHipster takes a very flexible approach that can unite a multitude of different technologies into one cohesive stack using Java as the API middleware. You can choose from several reactive front ends and a variety of SQL and NoSQL data stores.


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