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[Sports] New DTN, Adidas contract, subsidies: the decisions of the FAF


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Held this Wednesday, November 30, the monthly statutory meeting of the Federal Bureau of the Algerian Football Federation put an end to the suspense surrounding the identity of the new National Technical Director.

Following the call for applications launched on October 28, 2022, the FAF received, at the closing time, i.e. November 12, 17 files, including 13 by email and 4 by hand in sealed envelopes. we read on the FAF website.

“Following an initial assessment, with support and expertise from FIFA; a shortlist of 3 candidates was selected. The latter having met the requirements and eligibility criteria. Adds the press release from the high football authority in Algeria to explain the steps that resulted in this new appointment.

Post vacant for several months, the seat of the DTN within the FAF will be occupied by the Algerian coach, Mustapha Biskri. Thus, the former coach of several clubs in Algeria will be the new National Technical Director. This decision was approved during the meeting of the Algerian Football Federation.


Mustapha Biskri, the new National Technical Director

Another appointment approved at this meeting is that of the appointment of Master Youcef Hammouda as head of the National Dispute Resolution Chamber. Indeed, Master Hammouda will continue to occupy the supreme position of the CNRL.

The contract between the FAF and Adidas will be renewed
According to the press release published on the website of the Algerian Football Federation, the adventure of the German equipment manufacturer, Adidas, with the various Algerian selections will be extended.

Thus, the press release specifies, “the President of the FAF, Djahid Zefizef, also informed the members of the Federal Bureau of the forthcoming conclusion of a new contract with the German firm Adidas. explains the press release.

This is what will seal the debate around the identity of the new supplier of the Algerian team.

The contract between the FAF and Adidas will be renewed

After a call for tenders without a future which was launched by the services of the instance of Dely-Brahim, the German firm of Adidas will continue to be the equipment supplier of Algeria .

The details of the new contract between the two authorities could be revealed after the signature which promises to be imminent.

The press release from the FAF stresses that this new contract will be more "beneficial than the previous contract, in terms of contribution in kind (endowments), in cash and in terms of bonuses (bonuses linked to results)" we read on Algerian Football Federation website.

In addition, the latter specified that a “ceremony will be organized at the beginning of 2023 around the signing of this contract with Adidas. added the press release.

National football will benefit from new state aid
Blocked since 2016, state aid for national football will soon see the light of day. Thus, the president of the Algerian football federation, Djahid Zefizef, announced "the unfreezing of subsidies from the Ministry of Youth and Sports, from which the federal body has not benefited since 2016." FAF concerning the financial component.

For their part, the members of the Federal Bureau of the FAF thanked “strongly” the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the high authorities for their “responsiveness and support for national football. “Adds the press release from the Algerian football authority.


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